contemporary medicine

sick around the world


The United Kingdom

Advantages for patients :no medical bills,no need to pay for insurance and no co-payment

Advantages  for  providers  :strengthening  the primary care

                      :if the  family medical doctors  can keep  their  area-based  people  healthy ,they will

                       obtain  the incentive  remuneration

                     :people can choose the hospital (in elective case) after  consulting  their family medical    


Disadvantages for  patients :longer  waiting time in elective care such as artificial joint  replacement

                                                   :high tax expenditure

                                                   :unable to  pass directly to the specialist unless  the permission of   

                                                    their family medical doctors

Advantages  for the country: able to  control   health  care service expenditure


Advantages  for patients :single payment  in the name of social insurance fund which is  co-paid between  employer and  employee ,nevertheless,anyone who  lose  his or her  job  can have benefit from this  fund  due to government support

                                             :obligate to purchase the health  insurance  from  community  fund /office but in very low premium

                                             :no gate keeper and 80% are private clinic ,so,they can easily access to the  specialist  and  readiness to consume  high technology  medical  services

                                             :no need to make appointment with doctors, though,the specialist

Disadvantages   for provider : single standard  price which is  extremely  low ,so,more than 50% of hospital business are in financial deficit.

Disadvantages for insurance companies:unable to make  profit  

Advantages  for the country: able to  control   health  care service expenditure 


Advantages  for patients: everyone have  to purchase  insurance which cost of  premium  depending  on  income (but they have not to pay if  they lose their job ), whenever  the  people got sick , the sickness fund pay  for their  medical bills  and   there is  little  co-paid  in the differences that   they have to pay moreover   this  insurance  included  the charges  for  mental  health, dental  health  care and also optical health ,furthermore;alternative medicine such as  Homeopathy  and  relaxing spa  were  included

Disadvantages  for providers: low remuneration  for doctors 

Advantages  for providers:  no tuition fee  for  medical student   

Advantages  for  country: able to  control   health  care service expenditure


Advantages  for patients:no gate keeper,no waiting time,have to pay for  health  insurance but low cost  for premium ,moreover;this insurance included   not only  mental and dental health care  but also  traditional  Chinese   medicine

Advantages  for  the country: able to  control   health  care service expenditure


Similar to Germany


 Three  important  keys  to  make  good  healh  service system

1.The insurance company must  accept  universal coverage(unable to refuse the elderly,unhealthy person,disability person) and unable to make profit from basic health care 

2.Co-payment  from  everyone is  necessary unless  the poors

3.The doctors and  hospital  accept  the standard  items that the government proposed   such as single standard  price,basic  services                     

หมายเลขบันทึก: 291057เขียนเมื่อ 25 สิงหาคม 2009 22:39 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ 2012 08:59 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: ครีเอทีฟคอมมอนส์แบบ แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-อนุญาตแบบเดียวกันจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

ความเห็น (1)

Many countries found the good and bad things of the health system and try to improve the most benificial health system but the real showed non of system is perfect. Indeed of strength primary care can present healthy population more than secondary or tritary care.

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