Madam Speaker

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi is a Congresswoman from California. She made history when she became the first Madam Speaker of the House last Novermber when the Democrat majority in the House of Congress elected her.

From Wikipedia: 

 "Pelosi ranks second in the line of presidential succession, following Vice President... She is the highest ranking woman in the history of the U.S. Government; no woman has ever been as close in line to the U.S. presidency." - a promising sign that America is one step closer in electing its first female president?

She made headline recently when she lead a congressional visit to Damacus, Syria - which deemed to be a big deal to the White House. I personally think she looks lovely in a head scarf.

She is a grandmother of five who entered politics well after raising her children.

What does it all mean? It means different things to different people - you just have to figure that out for yourself.



คำสำคัญ (Tags): #first#grandmother#us politics#women
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