เรื่องเล่าของครูอาสานานาชาติ สงขลา MLTV1101-1 InterCutural and Language (ICL) - Songkhla ครูอาสานานาชาติ สงขลา

เรื่องเล่าของครูอาสานานาชาติ สงขลาMLTV1101-1 InterCutural and Language (ICL) - Songkhla


My name is Chiharu Kimoto. I’m from Japan. I’ve just finished 3rd grade of university, and I take gap year for a year. I’ll stay in Thailand for 9 months and this is the first month for teaching.



I taught English in 4 formal schools and Learning HOME this month.

Students were in summer vacation until mid of month. So I went to many other places, national waterfall park, Taksin University and so on, in order to teach English and interact.

I have been to the Weekend School of Ta Da, helper of teachers in Wat Kokmoung school on Sunday. It is held on every Saturday and Sunday. This school have kindergarten and primary students. There are about 10 students. If you want, you can join every time.

Wat Moungkom school.

There are not enough teachers because small school doesn’t have money. So usually other teachers don’t help me. They haven’t had any volunteers from other countries, so they were very afraid of me at the first time. Teachers are so kind. Their English ability is poor except director, but they are willing to communicate with me.

Ban Kuanniang school

There are about 80 students. This school also haven’t any foreigner volunteers, so students were very shy at first. Teacher’s English ability is poor. Some teachers seems don’t want to communicate with me. The man who is helper of this school can speak English well. Teachers usually don’t help me, but class of primary 3,4 and 5,6 students understand my words well without other teachers.

Ban Kuankob school

There are about 70 students. Students are not shy to communicate foreigners, because this school had foreigner volunteers last year. Most of teachers can speak English. They help me every class, so this school is easier than other schools.

Ban Kuansamet schoo

There are about 200 students. They also had foreigner volunteers last year. This school is very organized. 1 class consists of 25 to 40 students, but they listen the class quietly. And academic ability of this school is top in this area. The English teacher always help me.


I taught English in 5 formal schools this month.

Samakomtaipalitya2 school

There are about 70 students. It is first time for this school to come foreigner volunteers. So they were very shy at first. I teach primary 1 to 3, but sometimes I teach kindergarten. Teachers help me every class.





ICL-Songkhla by CHIHARU


My name is Chiharu Kimoto. I’m from Japan. I’ve just finished 3rd grade of university, and I took gap year for a year. I stayed in Klong hoy khong for 6 months, and in Sisaket for a months. I teach English in Sakon Nakhon for 2 months, November and December.



I taught English in 5 formal schools this month. I came back my last schools in this month.

Wat moungkom school

Students remembered me. Some primary 4 and 5 students are naughty, so sometimes I couldn’t control the class last time. But I improved manage the class so now I can control them. Primary 2 and 3 students are naughty and they can’t concentrate for 1 hour. As for primary 1 students, we taught about 30 minutes every time and Thai teacher helped me so it is going well.

Ban kokreang school

This school’s students are very naughty. The teacher of primary 2 student left the school so I have to teach primary 1 and 2 at the same time. It was so hard to teach them. Some students got angry during the game or start playing by themselves. In other grade, it was more easier because some students who are good at English helped me.


I taught English and Japanese in 2 schools this month. Teaching day is Monday to Wednesday. There are 2 activities days such as collecting garbage, cleaning and handicraft.


Students are shy in both schools. There are 6 to 17 years old students. So it was difficult to teach them same things. Because if I teach too easy things, secondary students are board. Drawing was a good way to remember and every grade student can enjoy. There are about 30 to 40 students in the classroom. They listened very carefully so it was easier to teach here. Because this is informal education so if they don’t want to learn, they just don’t come.

I taught English with Spanish volunteer. We took our own cultures in the class, like Macarena, Spanish dance. I also taught Japanese because they are very interested in Japanese.

I can use wi-fi in both schools. I can also use computer and color printer in Nonsamran school because some teachers helped us a lot. But there are no teacher during our camp in Tasawang school.


We started garbage project because students used to throw away garbages on the road and garbage place was mess up. We collected garbage inside and around school, garbage place of the school and temples. Many students enjoyed but it is difficult to change their habit. In Nonsamran school, I made sign of garbage to let others divide garbage.

We had activities of handicraft. We made fish and stars from straws after we collected garbage. I also taught how to make bracelet from strings.





There are about 750 students in the school. It has primary 1 to Secondary 6 students. This school is very different from other schools. All students live in dormitory in the school. They don’t have parents or their family is poor.

This school is strict. Students have many rules. They can’t use their cellphones in the school (actually almost students bring to the school). So I can’t tell them Facebook or LINE account because if I tell them it means they break the rule. They can skip classes although it is not good, but they have to help teachers.

An English teacher asked me which grade I’d like to teach at the beginning of semester. I prefer to teach lower secondary students (because I want to be a lower secondary teacher in the future) so I have many secondary classes.

Students’ English level is poor. Of course there are some students who are good at English but 1 or 2 in a class. Also they are shy so not so many students speak out English. Many secondary students skip classes or sleep in the classroom because they don’t want to study. I tried to take games in the lesson. Also they have many activities so they are often late for the class.

I teach secondary students easy conversation and grammar. For example, I ask “Did you have breakfast? What did you eat?” and if they don’t know how to answer I wrote vocabulary on the black board. As for primary class, I teach easy words and let them play activities.

There are about 70 teachers. Many teachers live in the school accommodation. They would like to take me somewhere in free day but they are often busy. Teachers in Ne New room take care of me. Usually they help me when I teach.

I have to wear formal clothes. Treasures are not allowed when I teach students.

There are wi-fi all of the school area (except farm).

The school provides me an accommodation. It has mattress, blanket, mosquito net, mosquito repellant, hunger, bowl for laundry, bottles of water, and so on. I have 3 times of meals in canteen. The school support things what I need in the accommodation. Also there is a small shop in the school.

In the teacher’s room (Ne New room), I have an own desk for work. I can use computer and printer in the room.

I also taught handicraft after school (15:30-16:30). Sometimes I taught Japanese in my free time because they are interested in Japanese. If you want to teach other things, you can ask teachers.

Message from teacher who working with Chiharu when she moved to other school in the North Eastern, Thailand.


Dear lovely girl.

Thank you so much Achi. We always miss you.

And always remember how we met.

I don't want to cry for your leaving from here. But I am very happy because you will grow up and do your dreams.

One day, we will meet again, I hope that.

I will follow you to see your beautiful life.

You will meet many people and they are good person. You will have many memories and I am in there too .

I like you so much. My lovely girl.

Please go for see your beautiful world.

And come back to here again.

Here's your second home. Okay?

Good luck Achi.


Teacher Gud.



1001 Reasons for the White Elephant Country


Nadya Damayanti, Indonesian

An Unforgettable Trip in the Land of Smiles


by Galuh Prima Sabarina 


English Camp

20th and 21st of February 2012

The Pattanawittaya Foundation School organized a two days English Camp end of February. Volunteers from VSA did all the planning for the schedule and teaching and the school did the organization. We started the Camp on Monday morning with an Opening Ceremony. During these two days we taught many different topics : alphabet, colors, time, rooms, clothes, body, family, verbs, food, drinks, market, months, feelings, directions and sports. On Tuesday morning students had a test about Monday’s topics, and in the afternoon we finished the camp with a Closing Ceremony. The school gave certificates to all students. Students were very motivated and excited. This is why it was really a pleasure to teach with them. Also teachers said the camp was successful.

Oskari and Riikka, 25 & 27 years old, Finland


English Training Camp for Teachers

When: March, 8th-10th

Where/Location: Kahom Beach, Nakornsrithammarat

Who/Schools participating: 3 – Songkhla Technological College, Odom Soksa Technological College, and Hatyai Technological College

Teachers: 37

Participants: 29

Volunteers: 4 – Francesco Corrieri, Maïlys Formaggio, Enrica Milanese, Ignacio Tévar




Day 1 – Wednesday, March 8th


08:00 – 12:30 Travel

13:45 – 14:00: Welcoming speech

14:00 – 15:15: Activities to check the participants' level of English.

15:15 – 15:30: Break

15:30 – 16:15: Activities to to check the participants' level of English.

16:15 – onwards: Free time


Some very simple activities have been carried out in order to reach the objective.


Activity 1: Ice-breaker "Bum Chica Bum"


Activity 2: "The red rope"

All the participants were asked to do a circle and answer in a complete way to some basic questions like "What's your name?", "How old are you?", "What scares you?", "What are your hobbies?", etc. In the meantime, they had to pass each other a red wool string, keeping one part in their hand and throwing the other one to another participant. Finally, a net was created.

The second part of the game was about collaboration and cooperation wordless. Three bottle were put in three different places under the net, and three pens were hung in three different knots of the net. The participants were asked to set up a strategy in one minute and then put the pens inside the bottles, keeping them in at the same time. The only two rules were: don't speak, don't touch either the bottles or the pens with any part of the body.


Activity 3: "Instead of..."

A simple game about numbers where participants were required to count from 1 to 15. Once finished the first round, the person who said "15" was asked to choose one number and one action to be done instead of saying the chosen number in the following round. For example, instead of number 10, say "Hello!", or instead of number 6, sing!


Activity 4: “Guess the question!”

The volunteers wrote a list of answers on the blackboard. The participants, one by one, were asked to guess which was the most appropriate question the sentence just written was the best answer to.





At the end of the first day, some teachers asked us about the activities scheduled for the following day, as some of those done that afternoon were quite simple. We explained them that no one had provided us any kind of informations about the camp, the participants and their English level, therefore we had to propose very simple activities to get an idea by ourselves. According to what we understood, we would have thought more suitable activities for the following day. Nevertheless, it was not that easy, as the difference in level among the participants was quite huge and we had to think about activities able to involve all of them.



Day 2 – Thursday, March 9th


08:00 – 09:00: Breakfast

09:00 – 10:15: Activities

10:15 – 10:45: Break

10:45 – 12:00: Activities

12:00 – 13:00: Lunch

13:00 – 15:00: Activities

15:00 – onwards: Free time


Activity 1: Ice-breaker "Remember.."

All the participants were in circle and, one by one, were requested to say their name and do a gesture to be associate with it. During the second round, every participant, before saying his/her own name and do the gesture, had to repeat – in order – all the names and gestures of the participants coming before him/her.


Activity 2: "True or False"

The participants were requested to write down 6 sentences about themselves, 3 true and 3 false. A music was put as background. The teachers were asked to walk randomly in the room and stop in pairs when the music stopped. Once in pairs, each of them was supposed to read the partner his/her own questions making him/her guess which ones were true and which ones were false, explaining the reason. And vice-versa.

Activity 3: Story

All the participants were divided into groups of 5-6 people and asked to invent a story with a list of given words. After 20 minutes, one group member had to read the story to the other groups while the other group members were putting it into scene.


Activity 4: Taboo

Literally, “taboo” is a topic or something people don't like to speak about. The game consisted in providing special cards to the participants. One by one, divided into teams, they were supposed to make the others guess a specific word without saying other words related to it and belonging to the same semantic area.


Activity 5: “Who am I?”

Each participant had a name stick on his/her forehead and was supposed to ask a series of questions – whose answers could be only yes/no – to the other players in order to guess who he/she was (an animal, an object, a superhero, a vegetable, a celebrity, etc.).


Activity 6: Taboo – level up

The participants were divided into pairs and each of them had a paper with a list of special words written on it. The aim of the game was to make the partner guess the works saying just one word each per time. For example, the word to be guessed is: UMBRELLA. Player 1 (P1) says: water, P2 says: fire – P1 says: sun, P2 says: hotness; P1 says: protection, P2 says: cream – P1 says: rain, P2 guesses: UMBRELLA.





The afternoon of this day was quite challenging. There were many changes in the program, even half an hour before the beginning of the activities. Moreover, for unknown reasons, we had to leave the meeting room and do the activities at the beach. Obviously, most of the people were not focused or didn't want to participate. That is the reason why we finished just at 15:00.



Day 3 – Friday, March 10th


09:30 – 18:30: Travel


The travel back was definitely longer because we stopped on the way to visit a couple of temples: Watchari Ai Khai and Wat Phra Mahathat.



I am Sini from Finland and this is my first time as volunteer and first time in Thailand also. I'm teaching kids at local primary schools and in local ICL-house. Teaching is awesome, kids are so sweet and full of joy and I love to see the joy in their face when they learn something. They don't understand much English and first times that I saw them they were little shy. But now every time I see them they get better and after class they wanna have hug and they give me all kind of stuff like lollipops and paper folding.

I just love it here, I had pleasure to work with Thai volunteer Jam and I want to thank her for all my heart she supported my teaching and made my first month in Thailand very easy. Jam taught me more of Thai culture, language and people, because of Jam I have now new experience and many ideas for teaching time I have left and for future too.

I came here to teach and that's what I have done, but this project has gave so much more. I learned new things and got amazing new experiences. I made many new friends all around the world from different countries and cultures. And other volunteers feels like family, we had amazing time together.


I can recommend this to anyone. I fall in love with Thailand and Thai people. I still have one month left in my project but I already know that someday I want to come back to Thailand and maybe even do some new volunteering.


Thank you VSA, thank you Thailand.



I Think it’s the Right Choice

Thailand is led by a King. The King has little direct power under the constitution and the patron of Thai Buddhism, be the symbol of national identity and unity. The King of Thailand is highly respected and regarded as a moral leader.

Most of the Thailand people are Buddhists, but there are some small minorities of Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Sikhs. Thailand also supports religious freedom. Thailand is the country with the largest number of Buddhists in the world. Islam in the second largest religion in this country.

Okay now I will tell you about my experience in Thailand

First, how about orientation?

Hello, My name is Putri, I came from Indonesia. I want to have new experience so I chose Thailand. In Thailand I will be a volunteer in The Institute of Southern Thai Studies for one month.

Before I go to The Institute of Southern Thai Studies , I joined one week orientation with local people, some staffs from VSA organization (Volunteer Spirit Association Organization) and another volunteers from another countries. The orientation is done in Suantoon village. During the orientation I learnt about Thai Language and know some culture in Thailand. So from the orientation I can speak Thai language but only basic like a number and “sawaddee ka” means Hello, “kobkun ka” means thankyou, “chan schu” means my name is .. and etc.

Second, how about to be volunteer?

I went to The Institute of Souther Thai Sudies. This is a museum located in Koh Yo. The view of Koh Yo is beautiful. I’m in the museum for three weeks. I have gotten many experience from here such as ticket system, financials, and organization structure. The staffs also show me how to maintenance the things of museum. But sometimes I was a guide if the tourist came in here which is interested when because I can practicing English. The staffs here were very fine because they were always helped me and they also gave me comfortable place for rest. I think the director, the staffs, and local people do care with the environment because they have project that I joined call “cleaning the road in Koh Yo”. And They have another project with producing local fabric woven to celebrate the cooperation of museum with local people. So during I am a volunteer in the museum I gained many new experience.


Third, How about all?

I think Thailand is the right choice because I gain lots of experience. And this experience is the best teacher for me.

Local people, I am grateful because I could not speak Thai but the local people were always helped me and they were very friendly with me. Local people waas always welcome with the foreigners.

Food and Drink, I think to find food and drink is very affordable because the price is achievable and also many people selling food. For Muslim don’t worry in here lots of halal logo foods. Usually if I want to buy meals I go to convenient store or in food court in a shopping mall

Transportation, public transportation is various, just choose it, but usually I travelled by Songtaew or Tuktuk. Both of them are cheapest.

I think not only food, drink, and transportation is easy to find but also the primary and secondary needs , for example clothes, pants, etc.

Travelling, Thailand is also a suitable country for traveling as Thailand has various tourist attraction. These tours include temples, amusement parks, sculptures, beach and spectacular performance on religion and culture.


The conclusion is I’m glad to come to Thailand because I got a valuable learning experience and I could also travel to nice and interesting places. So Thailand is the right choice.

Thank you




ICL: Teaching English in Thai, Dian Avina SeptianiWhy Not? by

Living in Thailand for almost 2 months of course you will gain a lot of experiences, or even some “tickling” things. I, myself, as a student of English education in Semarang State University (UNNES), Indonesia, find a lot of beneficial things and facts relating to English subject in Thailand.

First of all, I was placed in Songkhla Wittayakom School, Songkhla. The first day I came to school was like “Wow, could I be able to teach in this big school?” Many great things were running at my mind at that time. On the first day, I observed the school. I also joined some English teachers’ class to know the ability of the students in that school. In a day observing, I found the biggest problem faced by Thai students, which is they are not able to read the latin words. That is why the teacher should always transcribe the English word into Thai to make the students understand about the material given.

I was in that school for only a week. During a week, I tried to teach them English using my own treatment. I drilled the students and forced them to spell the words I gave. Fortunately, it worked. The students finally can read the words without having a transcript from Phasa Thai (Thai lanhuage). The students often came to my room and asked me to teach them more about English. I’m honestly very glad to find that the interest if the students increased after I taught them, which meant that I was managed to fullfil my project.

Actually, I was so sad when I should move to another school since the students and the teachers in that school were very nice at me. However, I have a serious reason that I must move another school. Luckily, I moved to Sangkhom Islam Wittaya School, Sadao, or people usually call this school as Banloom and I will finish my project in this school. There are of course a lot of interesting stories (I hope) that I am going to tell you about everything in my new school.

In this new school, I live in a dormitory with an Indonesian teacher and also with some students. Yes, it is my very first time living in a dormitory, so I was like “Oh really I will stay here for almost 2 months?” The first week I was here was like I must adapt with every single thing in this dormitory. One thing that is hard for me is that I must wake up at 4.30 AM every morning and take shower at that time. Why? If I do not do that, later I will queue for the bathrooms with a lot of students. It is pretty hard for me for the first week since I usually get up at 5.30 AM.

Next, I will tell you about the school and the students. The school is very big because it includes annuban (kindergarten), pratom (elementary school), and mattayom (junior and senior high school). Of course there are a lot of teachers in this school. If I am not mistaken, there are more than 150 teachers, including 8 teachers from Indonesia. This school also has a supervisor for English teachers and he will come every month to control the progress if the students especially the English Program (EP) classes.

I am scheduled to teach 13 classes including the EP class in mattayom. I do not mean to compare my new school with the previous one, but I find the students here are better since the can read latin words better. Yes, I feel easier to teach the students here because they can understand me faster and have less problem in communicating, of course because some of them can also speak Malay.

The teachers of this school are also very nice, yes because Thai people are very nice at all. Some of them can speak Malay so it is fun to talk with them. I of course do not make my chance to learn become meaningless. I learn a little bit about Phasa Thai with the teachers here, so I can speak Thai a little.

One day, the teachers of this school also asked me to go with them to a kind of mountain named Khao ley near Sadao. We hiked in the morning to find such an amazing view of the top of the mountain. It was a very nice moment that I might not be able to forget.

Oh, I almost forget to tell you about my experience in joining an English camp held by Watkuanneang school. On the 15th-17th of September, I and 6 of Indonesian friends joined that event. There, we taught English to the students of elementary school. We also met a Philippines teacher named Jev. She has been here for more than 7 years so she has already known about Thai students and how to treat them since she teaches in Senannarong school, Thailand.

I loved to be a part of that event because the interest of the students in learning English is very high. They want to know everything, they have good confidence and not afraid of being wrong in writing or even speak in English.

In that event, we also learn how to make a small traditional donnut of Thailand and another snack like what we have in Indonesia “klepon”. At night, the students also performed a traditional dance from Thailand and a drama spoken in English. We also performed a traditional dance from south Sumatera called Tor-Tor dance.

Oh I love Thailand. But not long after this, I must go home. I must finish my study and hopefully continue to a higher level. I hope I can visit Thailand in some other day. See you soon, THAILAND!!!



ICL Songkhla

LAM SZE LAI-Sherri from Hongkong and Carissa Paredes from Mexico teaches English Langue at Wat Kong Samarn Kul School, Hatyai, Songkhla for 2 months

“Hello! I am Sherri Lam from Hong Kong.

I spent two months in Hat Yai as a volunteer English teacher in a government primary school.

Before I came to Thailand, my boss said Thailand is called "tha Land of Smiles", I would meet happy and friendly people there. Yes! It's true! What I felt in the school was happiness in the air. Thai teachers were caring and very friendly. Thai students were passionate and always with a happy smile. They loved to hug me and did high five with me. Although they couldn't speak English at all, they tried their best to communicate with me, which was very impressive.

About the accommodation, the first month I stayed with four volunteers who came from different countries: Indonesia, Mexico and Japan. We shared and helped each other. Staying with them made me understood although we had different cultures and customs, we shared the same values: respect and kindness. I am glad to meet them in the wonderful Thailand.

In the second month, I stayed with a Thai local family, the daughter is a tourist guide who can speak basic Mandarin. She taught me Thai language and I taught her Mandarin. We had so much fun when we were having language exchange. Thai girls are so sweet and caring. I was lucky to stay in such happy local family”

ICL Sakon-Nakon

Shuichiro Furusawa from Japan teaches at

Rajaprajanugroh 53 Sakonnakhon School for 1 month

“Now I am English teacher and sometimes chemical and mathematics.

Usually with teachers but sometimes teach alone.

After finish school I usually play with students.

In this there are some troubles for teaching English

The first thing is there are six English teachers but five of teacher couldn't speak English...

And the student skills of English is very low 18years students couldn't understand meaning of the easy word, for example job, soldier etc ...

And now I try to make them to interest for English, because I can stay only 3weeks...”



ICL Songkhla-

ANNIE In Thailand



Annie or Leighanne Lyttle is volunteer from United State of America. She joined one week for organic farming in Songkhla and one last week for ICL camp. This is her following experience written by herself.


Organic Farming

The farming project was very informative, I've learned that everything can be used. For example, old coconut shells are used put around new plants to protect them. No pesticides are needed to grow beautiful and delicious fruits and vegetables. Its a wonderful treat to eat fruit straight from the garden! My host family opened their hearts and home to me and I became one of the family. They are wonderful teachers and I appreciate their hospitality.


Teaching English

Teaching the English Camps at local schools was so exciting! The children are shy but they always have a big smile on their face, the teachers are learning too. It is so rewarding to be an Ambassador of the English language, the international language. Its more important than ever to learn English, its used all over the world in business, education, and leisure activities.

Thai people are so friendly and have big hearts, the other volunteers made my experience one of a kind! We also could not teach successfully without the help of Thai volunteers. I have many great memories of teaching and hope to have left a positive impact as well as a love of learning.




VSA Thailand สมาคมจิตอาสา 


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