2022-08-25 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด H - Helpmate & helpmeet

Revision H


(151220-2) – ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด H - Helpmate & helpmeet

การใช้ภาษาอังกฤษ ที่ถือว่า ถูกต้อง ในที่นี้ เป็นไป ตามมาตรฐาน ของภาษา 

การใช้ภาษาอังกฤษ ไม่กำหนดมาตฐาน ถือตามส่วนใหญ่ที่ใช้แต่ละท้องถิ่น 

ความหมาย อาจยืดหยุ่น ขึ้นอยู่กับ ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค

 Ref.: http://www.gotoknow.org/posts/683654



ออกเสียง helpmate = ‘HELP-meyt’

ออกเสียง Helpmeet = ‘HELP-meet’

Dictionary of Problem Words and Expression

Helpmate & helpmeet

These words, of which the first is more often used

mean “a helpful companion” 

and usually refer to a spouse, especially a wife

In the second chapter of the Book of Genesis, 

God creates Eve as a “help meet” for Adam

with help meaning “someone to provide assistance” 

and meet meaning “suitable” “proper.” 


Later, help and meet were joined by a hyphen 

and still later were run together as helpmeet

Because helpmate sound better 

and more logical to the modern ear and mind, 

helpmate is preferable

but helpmeet is equally correct.


Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree

helpmate =

companion and helper;

husband or wife; anything that assists

Not to be confused with:

helpmeet =a helpmate; spouse 

Helpmeet was derived from 

a misreading in the King James Bible

where God promises Adam “to make a help meet for him,”

meaning a help suitable for him.

As Eve became the “help,” “help meet”

was interpreted as “spouse.”


Collins English Dictionary

Helpmeet (ˈhɛlpˌmiːt)


less common word for helpmate

[from the phrase an helpe meet (suitable) for him Genesis 2:18]

Merriam-Webster Dictionary Helpmate

The word meet is very common as both a noun and a verb,

but there is also an adjective meet,

meaning “suitable” or “appropriate,”

as in “it seems like a meet solution.”

It is now rarely used and somewhat old-fashioned

but a famous passage in the King James Bible used this adjective:

And the Lord God said, 

It is not good that man should be alone; 

I will make him a help meet for him.
—Genesis 2:18


Obviously, this use of help as a noun is unusual to modern ears.

More recent translations of this passage 

make the meaning more clear,

if less poetic: “I will make him a helper suitable for him,” 

but it seems that the combination of 

a frequently read Biblical quotation with an infrequently heard 

adjectival use of meet was the root of the noun 

helpmeet meaning either

“a companion and helper” or “wife,” 

which came into English in the 1600s.

Several decades later, helpmate

appeared as a more logical synonym,

since mate can mean either “friend” 

or “a member of a married couple.”

หมายเลขบันทึก: 706004เขียนเมื่อ 25 สิงหาคม 2022 13:11 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 25 สิงหาคม 2022 13:19 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: สงวนสิทธิ์ทุกประการจำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

ความเห็น (1)

Thank you for this ‘helpmeet’ post.

It is a good reminder to say things ‘clear to listeners’ (else nuances grow –from little things, big things grow). So, this “I will make him a help meet for him. “ —Genesis 2:18 –using adjective ‘meet’ (=suitable or appropriate) grew into helpmeet and reached a place in literature ;-)

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