2022-01-28 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน - Set – C - convince & persuade

Revision C


ศัพท์ น่าสับสน - Set – C - convince & persuade

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น 

ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค



ออกเสียง convince = “kuhn-VINS” 

ออกเสียง persuade = “per-SWEYD”


Dictionary of Problem Words and Expressions:

convince & persuade

These words are related in meaning 

but do have different uses.

Convince means

“to satisfy the understanding of someone 

about the truth of a statement or situation”: 

“Johnny convinced me by quoting exact figures.” 

Persuade suggests winning over someone to a course of action

perhaps through an appeal to reason or emotion: 

“Jim persuaded the grocer to consult a lawyer.”




Convince, an often stated rule says, 

may be followed only by that or of, never by to

We convinced him that he should enter 

(not convinced him to enter ) the contest. 

He was convinced of the wisdom of entering. 


In examples to support the rule

convince is often contrasted with persuade

which may take to, of, or that followed by

the appropriate construction: 


We persuaded him to seek counseling 

(or of his need for counseling or that he should seek counseling ).


The history of usage does not support the rule. 

Convince (someone) to has been in use since the 16th century 

and, despite objections by some, occurs freely today 

in all varieties of speech and writing and is fully standard

Members of the cabinet are trying to convince the prime minister not to resign.


American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language:

con·vince′ment n.

con·vinc′er n.

con·vinc′i·ble adj.

Usage Note: 

According to a traditional rule

one persuades someone to act but convinces someone 

of the truth of a statement or proposition: 

By convincing me that no good could come of staying, 

he persuaded me to leave. 


If the distinction is accepted

then convince should not be used with an infinitive: 

He persuaded (not convincedme to go. 


In our 1981 survey, 61 percent of the Usage Panel 

rejected the use of convince with an infinitive

But the tide of sentiment against the construction has turned. 

In our 2016 survey, 80 percent accepted it in the sentence 

I tried to convince him to chip in a few dollars, but he refused. 


Even in passive constructions

a majority of the Panel accepted convince with an infinitive; 

the sentence 

After listening to the teacher's report, 

the committee was convinced to go ahead with the new reading program was accepted by 59 percent of the Panel. 


Persuade, on the other hand, is fully standard 

when used with an infinitive or a that clause

in both active and passive constructions. 


An overwhelming majority of Panelists as far back as 1996 

accepted the sentences 

After a long discussion with her lawyer, 

she was persuaded to drop the lawsuit and 

The President persuaded his advisers that military action was necessary. 

Some writers may wish to preserve the traditional distinction, 

but they should bear in mind that most readers are unlikely to notice.


Collins English Dictionary:

conˈvincement n

conˈvincer n

conˈvincible adj

Usage: The use of convince 

to talk about persuading someone to do something 

is considered by many British speakers to be wrong or unacceptable


Collins COBUILD English Usage:

Convince & persuade

1. 'convince'

If you convince someone of something, 

you make them believe it is true.

These experiences convinced me of the drug's harmful effects.

It took them a few days to convince me that it was possible.

Some speakers use convince with a to-infinitive 

to say that one person makes another person decide to do something, 

by giving them a good reason for doing it.

Lyon did his best to convince me to settle in Tennessee.

I hope you will help me convince my father to leave.

2. 'persuade'

Using 'convince' in this way is generally regarded as incorrect

Instead you should use persuade.

Marsha was trying to persuade Posy to change her mind.

They had no difficulty in persuading him to launch a new paper.




Persuade, induce 

imply influencing someone's thoughts or actions

They are used today mainly in the sense of winning over a person 

to a certain course of action: 

It was I who persuaded him to call a doctor. 

I induced him to do it. 


They differ in that persuade suggests appealing more to the reason 

and understanding: 

I persuaded him to go back to his wife 

(although it is often lightly used: 

Can't I persuade you to stay to supper? ); 

induce emphasizes only the idea of successful influence

whether achieved by argument or by promise of reward

What can I say that will induce you to stay at your job? 


Owing to this idea of compensation

induce may be used in reference to the influence of factors 

as well as of persons

The prospect of a raise in salary was what induced him to stay.

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