2022-01-03 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – B – Burlesque - parody


ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – B – Burlesque - parody

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น 

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ออกเสียง Burlesque = “ber-LESK” also noun “BUR-LESK

 ออกเสียง Parody = “PAR-uh-dee”




bur·lesque·ly, adverb

bur·lesqu·er, noun

pre·bur·lesque, adjective

un·bur·lesqued, adjective



Is It Naughty Or Not? What “Burlesque” Actually Means

Published November 26, 2010

Since interest in burlesque grew in the 2010s

—and may have peaked with the release of the movie Burlesque 

starring Cher and Christina Aguilera

—people have been curious to learn more about this type of dance. 

Is burlesque strictly performed in seedy venues

Is it just a fancy word for striptease?


What is burlesque?

Luckily for word enthusiasts, 

burlesque derives from a rich tradition and a compelling meaning.



burlesque is a type of variety show that is both provocative and comedic. 

It features a female chorus and solo dances, 

plus bawdyslapstick skits and songs. 

And yes, it may feature striptease acts, but not necessarily.


Burlesque comes from the Italian and means “mockery.” 



it was used to refer to an array of entertainment that used caricature, ridicule, and distortion. 

The word was first used in the 1500s by the Italian Francesco Berni, who called his operas burleschi.


What is the history of burlesque in the US?

In the United States, stage burlesque, which was usually quite vulgar

began in the mid-1800s. 

These early shows often ended with either an exotic dancer or a boxing match

Many stars got their start in burlesque, including Mae West and Fannie Brice. 

In the 1920s, the term became synonymous with a strip-tease show, which was banned in New York City.

Burlesque entertainment couldn’t compete with the rising popularity of movies and nightclubs; eventually, it fizzled out. 

However, it saw resurgence in major cities across the United States in the 1990s. 

Today, those interested in burlesque still follow its stars and performances at various venues and festivals, 

such as Bossy Grrl’s Pin Up Joint in Columbus, Ohio, and the New Orleans Burlesque Festival in September.


Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Choose the Right Synonym for burlesque



mean a comic or grotesque imitation. 

CARICATURE implies ludicrous exaggeration of the characteristic features of a subject.  

= caricatures of politicians in cartoons  


BURLESQUE implies mockery especially through giving a serious or lofty subject a frivolous treatment.  

= a nightclub burlesque of a trial in court  


PARODY applies especially to treatment of a trivial or ludicrous subject in the exactly imitated style of a well-known author or work.  

= a witty parody of a popular novel  


TRAVESTY implies that the subject remains unchanged but that the style is extravagant or absurd.  

= this production is a travesty of the opera 


Dictionary of Problem Words and Expressions

Burlesque - parody 

Burlesque is an imitation intended to ridicule by exaggeration; 

it consists of an attitude, style, or idea handled by distortion 

in such a way that an important or significant subject is treated trivially.


Discrepancy between subject matter and style is the essence of burlesque.


Parody is a humorous, satirical imitation of a person or event.

It is designed to make fun of or to criticize by clever duplication.


A striptease act is a burlesque of legitimate dancing, singing, and acting.


A comedian delivering his version of the Gettysburg Address is engaged in parody.


Related terms are caricature, lampoon, travesty, and satire. 

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