Holidays in Thailand

Holidays in Thailand

The Kingdom of Thailand is a Buddhist country in southeast Asia.

Chakri Day, April 6. Celebrates the founding of the Chakri Dynasty and honours King Rama I, who was the first king of the Dynasty, and established Bangkok as the capital in 1782.

Chulalongkorn Day, October 23. The government was modernized by the Chakri king Rama V, also called King Chulalongkorn, who is honored with this holiday. His accomlishments during his 42 year reign include abolishing slavery.

King's Birthday, December 5. Birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

Constitution Day, December 10.

Coronation Day, May 5.

Queen's Birthday, August 12.

Loy Krathong Festival, occurs in November. A thanksgiving to Mae Kongkha, the goddess of all rivers and waterways, for her gift of the waters to mankind. Also known as Festival of Light.

Songkran, April 13-15. Thai new year celebration. Also known as Water Festival.

State Ploughing Ceremony Day, in May. Celebrates the start of the rice-growing season. [same as Harvest Festival Day?]

Visakha Bucha Day, full moon of the sixth lunar month. The same as Vesak Day. See Buddhism.

Makha Bucha Day, full moon in first lunar month. See Buddhism.

Public holidays   New Year's Day, Makha Bucha Day, Chakri Day, Songkran, Coronation Day, Harvest Festival Day (May 11), Visakha Bucha Day, Asalapha Bupha Day (July 28), Buddhist Lent, Queen's Birthday, Chulalongkorn Day, King's Birthday, Constitution Day, New Year's Eve.

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