Breast Cancer - It's Global!

"Previously a malady that mostly afflicted white, affluent women in the industrial hubs of North America and Western Europe, breast cancer is everywhere. Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America have all seen their caseloads spike. By 2020, 70% of all breast-cancer cases worldwide will be in developing countries."


TIME Cover Oct. 15, 2007


All TIME editions - U.S., Europe, Asia, South Pacific share the same cover - of the Changing Face of Breast Cancer. No longer a disease for "white woman." It is spreading all over the world much the same way as trade, technology, and globalization.

What made it more vulnerable to Asian women is the fact that our culture is not open to the idea of "bear all" or "speak out." I do not know what is more a taboo term - "cancer" or "breast" - but I'm sure it does have a combined effect when together.

Not to mention preventive care of having a mammogram. It's not cheap as the equipment is expensive. However, a simple procedure such as Breast Self-Exam can go a long way and save life.

Here's what I find in G2K on BreastCancer

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หมายเลขบันทึก: 137283เขียนเมื่อ 11 ตุลาคม 2007 05:39 น. ()แก้ไขเมื่อ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ 2012 20:56 น. ()สัญญาอนุญาต: จำนวนที่อ่านจำนวนที่อ่าน:

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