2021-05-12 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – attribute & contribute

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ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – attribute & contribute

แนะนำการใช้ ตามที่ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ แต่ละท้องถิ่น

ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกเสียง attribute – verb = ‘uh=TRIB-yoot’ – noun = ‘A-truh-byoot’

ออกเสียง contribute = ‘kuhn-TRIB-yoot’

Adj. = contributorial = ‘kuhn-trib-yuh-TAWR-ee-uhl’



Attribute, ascribe, impute

imply definite origin.

Attribute and ascribe are often used interchangeably,

to imply that somethingoriginates with a definite person

or from a definitecause.

Ascribe, however, has neutral implications;

whereas, possibly because of an association with tribute,

attribute is coming to have a complimentary connotation:

to ascribe an accident to carelessness;

to attribute one's success to a friend's encouragement.

Impute has gained uncomplimentary connotations,

and usually meansto accuse or blame someone or something

as a cause or origin:

to impute an error to him.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Choose the Right Synonym for attribute



meanan intelligible feature by which a thing may be identified.

QUALITY is a general term applicable to any trait or characteristic

whetherindividual or generic.

material with a silky quality

PROPERTY implies a characteristic that belongs to a thing's essential nature and may be used to describe a type or species.

the property of not conducting heat

CHARACTER applies to a peculiar and distinctive quality of a thing or a class.

remarks of an unseemly character

ATTRIBUTE implies a quality ascribed to a thing or a being.

the attributes of a military hero



meanto lay something to the account of a person or thing.

ASCRIBE suggests an inferring or conjecturing of cause, quality, authorship.

forged paintings formerly ascribed to masters

ATTRIBUTE suggests less tentativeness than ASCRIBE, less definiteness than ASSIGN.

attributed to Rembrandt but possibly done by an associate

ASSIGN implies ascribing with certainty or after deliberation.

assigned the bones to the Cretaceous period

IMPUTE suggests ascribing something that brings discredit by way of accusationor blame.

tried to impute sinister motives to my actions

CREDIT implies ascribing a thing or especially an action to a personor other thing as its agent, source, or explanation.

credited his teammates for his success

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Did You Know?

Attribute means something rather similar to "pay tribute".

So, for example,

anaward winner who pays tribute to an inspiring professor

is, in a sense, attributing her success to theprofessor.

Thoughif you attribute your fear of dogs to an incident in your childhood,

you're not exactly praising the nasty dog that bit you way back when.

The second senseof attribute is slightly different:

Ifyou attribute bad motives to a politician,

it means you thinkhe or she is doing things for the wrong reasons

(even if you don't have any proof).

When attribute is accented on its first syllable,

it's being used asa noun, usually as a synonym for quality.

So, for instance,

you may believe that an even temper is an attribute of the best presidents, or that cheerfulnessis your spouse's best attribute.

Common Errors In English Usage Dictionary

Attribute& contribute

When trying to givecredit to someone,

say thatyou attribute your success to their help, not contribute.

(Of course, a politician may attribute his success to those

who contribute to

his campaign fund, but probably only in private.)

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