2021-05-12 ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – atheist & agnostic

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ศัพท์ น่าสับสน ชุด – A – atheist & agnostic

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ความหมาย อาจผันแปร ตาม ตำแหน่ง/หน้าที่ ในประโยค


ออกเสียง atheist = ‘EY-thee-ist’

ออกเสียง agnostic = ‘ag-NOS-tik’



What does atheist mean?

An atheist is a person who does not believe

in the existenceof a supreme being or deity.

In other words,

an atheist is a person who does not believe

in the existence of God or of any gods.

The beliefor doctrine that denies the existence of gods

or supreme beings is atheism.

Atheist can also be used as an adjective

to describesuch beliefs or things involving such beliefs.

The adjective atheistic can be used in the same way.

The word atheist means something different from the word agnostic,

which refers toa person who believes

it is impossibleto know whether or not a supreme being exists.

When askedif God or gods exist,

an atheist would answer “No,


an agnosticwould answer “It is impossible to know.”


Being an atheist doesn’t mean I think God is bad

—it means that I think God doesn’t exist.

Where does atheist come from?

The first recordsof the word atheist come from around 1570.

It comes from theGreek áthe(os), meaning “godless.”

In atheist,the beginning part a- means “without”

and the main rootis based on a word meaning “god

(the words theology and theist are based on the same root).

The noun suffix -ist

indicates a person who holds certain beliefs.


being known as an atheist has been dangerous

many atheists have even been tortured or killed,

such as in societies that require adherence to a specific religion.

Even today, many atheists face discrimination.

Many support policies that ensure that religious freedom applies

even to those who do not follow any faith.


What’s The DifferenceBetween Atheism And Agnosticism?

Studies have found that

both atheists and agnostics are surprisingly knowledgable

about a variety of religions.

Which begs the commonly asked question:

what is the difference between

someone who defines themselves as “atheist”

and a professedagnostic?

Atheist vs. agnostic

There is a keydistinction.

An atheist doesn’t believe in a god or divine being.

The word originates with the Greek atheos,

which is built from the roots a- (“without”) and theos (“a god”).

Atheism is the doctrine or belief that there is no god.

However, an agnostic neitherbelieves nor disbelieves

ina god or religious doctrine.

Agnostics assertthat it’s impossible for human beings to know

anything about how the universe was created

and whether or notdivine beings exist.

Agnosticism was coined by biologist T.H. Huxley and comes from the Greek ágnōstos, which means “unknown or unknowable.”

For example:

  • While I now consider myself an atheist,

I did attend church regularly as a child.

  • If you’re not certain that god exists,

you could describeyourself as agnostic.

  • Given that the director is an outspoken atheist,

it didn’t surprise us that the film was so critical of organized religion.

Theist vs. deist

To complicate matters,

atheists and agnostics are often confused with theists and deists.

A theist is the opposite of an atheist.

Theists believe in the existence of a god or gods.

Like a theist, a deist believesin God.

Buta deist believes that while God created the universe,

natural laws determine how the universe plays out.

Deists are often connectedto Isaac Newton’s clockwork universe theory,

 which compares the universe to a clock that has been wound up

and set in motion by God but is governed by the laws of science.

For example:

  • As an atheist, Edgar has endured quite a few heated arguments with theists who want to win him over to their point of view.
  • Many scholars have described Thomas Jefferson as a deist

because he rejected certain aspects of Christianity,

such as miracles and resurrection,

buthe most certainly believed in God.



Agnostic, atheist, infidel, skeptic

refer topersons not inclined toward religious belief

or a particular form of religious belief.

An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know

anythingabout God or about the creation of the universe

and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine.

An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings.

Infidel means an unbeliever,

especiallya nonbeliever in Islam or Christianity.

A skeptic doubts and is critical of all accepted doctrines and creeds.



The word agnostic was coined by the English biologist T.H. Huxley in 1869

as a member of the now defunct Metaphysical Society,

in response to what he perceived as

an abundance there of strongly held beliefs.

The original usage of the term was confined to philosophy and religion,

 and referred to Huxley's assertionthat

anything beyond the material world,

including the existence and nature of God, was unknowable.

Today the word can be seen

applied to questions of politics, culture, and science,

aswhen someone claims to be a “political agnostic.”

In a more recent trend,

onecan be agnostic simply by not taking a stand onsomething.

In 2010, President Obama called himself “agnostic” on tax cuts

until he had seen all available options.

Ata forum on sustainable energy in 2008,

GE CEO Jeff Immelt said he was “fuel agnostic fundamentally.”

In technology, software or hardware can be said to be agnostic as well.

Computer codethat can run on any operating system

is calledplatform agnostic,”

and such services as phone and electric may be considered “agnostic

if notdedicated to a particular carrier, device,  or user interface.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

How Agnostic Differs From Atheist

Many people are interested

in distinguishingbetween the words agnostic and atheist.

The difference is quitesimple:

atheist refers to someone

who does not believe in the existence of a god or anygods,

and agnostic refers to someone who doesn’t know

whetherthere is a god, or even if such a thing is knowable.

This distinction can be troublesome to remember,

butexamining the origins of the two words can help.

Agnostic first appeared in 1869,

(possibly coinedby the English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley),

and was formedfrom the Greek agnōstos

(meaning"unknown, unknowable").

Atheist came to English from the French athéisme.

Although both words sharea prefix

(which is probably the source of much of the confusion)

the main body ofeach word is quite different.

Agnostic shares part of its history with words

such as: prognosticate and prognosis,

words which havesomething to do with knowledge

or knowing something.

Atheist shares roots with words

such as: theology and theism,

which generally havesomething to do with God.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Words at Play

Secular, Atheist,and Agnostic

More Americansare identifying with these than any religion

A studyby the Pew Research Center

foundthat fewer Americans identify as "Christian"

and that the numberof people

who claim to belong to no organized religion has increased.

According to the study,

"as the ranksof the religiously unaffiliated continue to grow,

they also describe themselves in increasingly secular terms,"

including "atheists," "agnostics," or "nothing in particular.

Secular means "of or relating to the physical world

and not the spiritualworld" or "not religious."

It comes from the Latin word that evolved from meaning

"generation" or "age" to meaning "century"

(taken as the extreme limitof a human lifetime).

From this notionof a period of time or "the present time,"

it evolved to mean "the present world,"

as opposed tothe seclusion of monastic religious life,

in order to identifyclergy who worked in churches among the people.

From there, it was only a step to today's meaning of "not religious."

Secular came to English from Latin through French;

in modern French the word siècle means "century."

Though atheist and agnostic are words

that are often used together or cited in similar contexts,

they do not meanthe same thing.

Agnostic comes from the Greek word meaning "unknown" or "unknowable"

(a-, "not" or "without," and gnōstos, meaning "known").

It means "a person who does not have a definite belief about whether God exists or not" or,

more broadly, "a person who does not believe or is unsure of something."

Atheist also comes from Greek, from a- meaning "not" or "without"

and theos, meaning "god."

In Englishis simply means

"a person who believesthat God does not exist."

For more detail, see the original Pew Research Center study,

as well as their survey overview.


Trend Watch


Yes, it's different from 'atheist'

Lookups for agnostic spiked on June 3rd

after CNN.com published an article by Penn Jillette

titled “Time for atheists to stand up and be counted.”

Jillette wrote:

We try other words: "humanist," "non-religious," "heathen," "infidel."

Some of us even lie about the term "agnostic,"

and pretend that it means "atheist with an open mind" or "atheist lite,"

but it really doesn't.
—Penn Jillette, CNN.com, 2 June 2016

It really doesn't.

Agnostic refers to someone

who doesn’t knowwhether there is a god,

or even if such a thing is knowable.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,

ag·nosti·cal·ly adv.

Word History:

Agnostics do not denythe existence of God

—instead, they hold that one cannot know for certain

whether or not God exists.

The term agnostic was coined by the 19th-century British scientist

Thomas H. Huxley, who believed that

only material phenomena were objects of exact knowledge.

He made up the word from the prefix a-, meaning "without, not,"

as in amoral, and the noun Gnostic.

Gnostic is related to the Greek word gnōsis, "knowledge,"

which was used by early Christian writers

to mean "higher, esoteric knowledge of spiritual things";

hence, Gnostic referred to those with such knowledge.

In coining the term agnostic, Huxley was considering as "Gnostics"

a group of his fellowintellectuals—"ists," as he called them

—who had eagerlyembraced various doctrines or theories

that explained the world to their satisfaction.

Because he was a "man without a rag of a label to cover himself with,"

 Huxley coined the term agnostic for himself,

its first published use being in 1870.

Common Errors In English Usage Dictionary


An atheist is the opposite of a theist.

Theos is Greek for “god.”

Make sure the “TH” is followed immediately by an “E.”

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