
Sadly for Thailand and other banana exporting countries. Aus banana market is pretty much "closed" to protect local growers.

Last two years in a row (due to a cyclone and flooding) bananas were sold at record price AUD12-13 per kilo (that's 360-400 baht for 4-5 bananas or nearly 80 baht for 1 banana). I had to eat dry banana chips (to keep potasium supply to my body) and that when I had some ideas about banana.

Chico could not get their bananas into Aus. Indonesia and the Philipines exporters were also rejected. Aus banana growers are really a good and strong bunch! Thai banana growers association if exists should learn from them how to pressure the government to keep their market in all situations. But I heard Thai government allowed Japanese companies to buy 'future banana crops' and export after harvest without having to pay a lot of export duties. (And Japanese market buy mostly from Japanese exporters in Thailand.) To start up a banana selling business is not as easy as "ปอกกล้วย" ;-)

Anyway, processed banana products (as a good source of potasium - to help happy hearts dancing to rhythms) is still an idea in progress ;-) to product ;-);-) .

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